There are many things we can do to optimize immune health.
Taking  ADAPTIVIR™ Immune Support Program is a great start, but there are diet and lifestyle changes that can also help. Here in Immunity Tips, we also will look at other ways of building your body's strength including dietary changes, stress relief and acupressure tips as well as learning more about some of the key ingredients in  ADAPTIVIR.
ADAPTIVIR™  is a unique blend of herbs and nutrients developed with reference to the clinical experience gathered in the spring of 2020 in New York City. Urban Healing ™  drew on the latest research and long used traditional remedies to formulate this program.  ADAPTIVIR™ was initially available to clients of Urban Healing , used in the field on clients to support immunity and help a normal inflammatory response. 
At Urban Healing we wanted to help more people to enjoy the benefits and have the peace of mind felt by these clients and decided to make this product available to the general public. Importantly at a significantly more affordable price than when given as part of a one to one consultation. The vision was to provide Medical Herbalist strength support to the public with the aim to help as many people as possible.